Ann Voskamp wrote this about Time:
You don’t really even have a family or children or your people, in the sense that you don’t have, possess, own them … all you really have is time, fleeting time, to say you love them.
All time is for, is to love — because Love is for forever.
That is to say: When you make time into love, you conquer time, because Love is what goes on forever and without end.
When you realize all you have is time, all you have is one decision: what ways can you make your time into Love?
I received this at the time that I completed my portrait of Luisa as she returned to University after a lengthy holiday and twenty-first birthday celebration.
I realised how many artists including myself take time to love on others through their art.
This is my story, I wonder what yours might be?
The painting itself has travelled across time. It began with a river in Tstsikamma Forest when I discovered the incredible luminosity and warm glow of light falling on bracken filled water.
It caught my heart and inspired the initial rocks, small flowers and swirls in the water.
I added to it later with an image of my feisty toddler daughter, magnificently and wonderfully made, fearless and knowing of what she wanted.
A happy holiday at the glorious beaches of Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, near Cathedral Rock, gave me the inspiration to merge the rock pool with the background rocks and distant ocean.
We have always lived near the sea in Kwazulu Natal, Durban . The sound and sight surrounded our days. Water has always been a friend of my Luisa. She could swim as easily as she could walk, albeit she had people jumping in to rescue her when she dived in.
Recently, we visited a local market at Shongweni. Luisa stood on the edge of the cliff , gazing across the valley at the distant waterfall. She looked serene and memories of my daughter sifted through. So many life pathways up to the point when she would turn twenty one. As she turned towards me, her smile and body posture was so captivating.
The challenge here was to merge so many of the elements together. I then had to consider the lighting. I wanted the little girl to glow in the distance as a reminder that to play like a child, to have faith like a child is a beautiful thing.
The adult young beautiful women steps out of the water, the canvas, the scene.
She walks contently towards the viewer, towards the present, into life with strength and dignity, humility, grace, forgiveness, joy, peace, hope, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, self control and love for self and others.
I love you daughter, yours always, Mom.
Also dedicated to all mothers and daughters.